3D Password

The 3D password is a multi factor authentication scheme that combines the various authentication schemes into a single 3D virtual environment. The virtual environment can contain any existing authentication scheme or even any upcoming authentication scheme or even any upcoming authentication schemes by adding it as a response to actions performed on an object. Therefore the resulting password space becomes very large compared to any existing authentication schemes. The design of the 3D virtual environment the selection of objects inside the environment and the object's type reflect the resulted password space. It is the task of the system administrator to design the environment and to select the appropriate object that reflects the protected system requirements. Designing a simple and easy to use 3D virtual environment is a factor that leads to a higher user acceptability of a 3D password system. The choice of what authentication scheme will be part of user's 3D password reflects the user's preferences and requirements.
The proposed system is a multi factor authentication scheme that combines the benefits of various authentication schemes. Users have the freedom to select whether the 3D password will be solely recall, biometrics, recognition, or token based, or a combination of two schemes or more. This freedom of selection is necessary because users are different and they have different requirements. Therefore, to ensure high user acceptability, the user’s freedom of selection is important. The following requirements are satisfied in the proposed scheme 
1. The new scheme provide secrets that are easy to remember and very difficult for intruders to guess.

2. The new scheme provides secrets that are not easy to write down on paper. Moreover, the scheme secrets should be difficult to share with others.

3. The new scheme provides secrets that can be easily revoked or changed.


The proposed system is a multi factor authentication scheme. It can combine all existing authentication schemes into a single 3D virtual environment .This 3D virtual environment contains several objects or items with which the user can interact. The user is presented with this 3D virtual environment where the user navigates and interacts with various objects. The sequence of actions and interactions toward the objects inside the 3D environment constructs the user’s 3D password. The 3D password can combine most existing authentication schemes such as textual passwords, graphical passwords, and various types of biometrics into a 3D virtual environment. The choice of what authentication schemes will be part of the user's 3D password reflects the user's preferences and requirements. A user who prefers to remember and recall a password might choose textual and graphical password as part of their 3D password. On the other hand users who have more difficulty with memory or recall might prefer to choose smart cards or biometrics as part of their 3D password. Moreover user who prefers to keep any kind of biometric data private might not interact with object that requires biometric information. Therefore it is the user's choice and decision to construct the desired and preferred 3D password.

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